Miniatures and props
Realization of 6 sets and miniature props
from the stop-motion animated film.
Directed by Alexandra Lemay, produced by the NFB
This stop-motion animated film produced by the NFB deals with a difficult mother-daughter relationship.
We built the ground floor of a complete house in addition to a separate workshop.
Alexandra Lemay, the director and main character of the film, had prepared an exhaustive list of elements she wanted to have for her sets; lots of furniture and accessories of all kinds for this family home which is inhabited by 6 children and other dogs, cats and skunks. The watchword was “chaotic and overloaded”.
After weeks of work, we had reproduced all the items on the list. We were appalled when we realized that this would not be enough, we needed even more elements!
Each item had to be placed judiciously to look natural and glued in place, often giving the impression of being precariously balanced. Nothing must move during the long weeks of animation, otherwise the entire take must be started again. A monk's work which lasted many months of which we are very proud of!
I feel exhausted just thinking about this project... What a quantity of objects of all kinds! I had never turned wood on a wood lathe and I had my baptism by fire with the blue child's chair whose legs are made of many balls. These chairs still give me nightmares. Seriously though, it’s one of our great pleasures to make miniatures!
For the patina in the mother's house, the objective was to have traces of the presence of several young children and animals. Prints from small hands and furniture worn or even gnawed by animals contributed to this.